Setting up a Mac for Development
October 30, 2021
I thought it would be useful to document my step-by-step guide to get my laptop setup for development (Macbook Air 2019 Intel i5).
Factory Reset
Follow the steps to perform a factory reset.
Command Line Tools
Install Apple's command line developer tools:
xcode-select --install
To confirm installation:
xcode-select -p
There's a variety of applications that I use everyday, some for development and some for fun.
Install the Homebrew package manager.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL ["](")
Make sure Homebrew is up-to-date before installing packages:
brew update
Install applications:
brew install \
git \
make \
rich-cli \
postgresql &&
brew install --cask \
1password \
anki \
discord \
docker \
google-chrome \
iterm2 \
postico \
rectangle \
slack \
spotify \
todoist \
visual-studio-code \
vlc \
is an extension to brew that allows management of graphical GUI applications.
Shell and Terminal
For ultimate hacker productivity, I use Zsh
(with Oh-My-Zsh
) as my shell and iTerm2
as my terminal.
Zsh and Oh-My-Zsh
macOS Monterey ships with Zsh as the default shell. Install Oh-My-Zsh
for a variety of plugins, themes, and options:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL ["](")
This will create configuration locations at ~/.oh-my-zsh
and ~/.zshrc
Install zsh-autosuggestions
git clone []( ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
Install zsh-syntax-highlighting
git clone []( ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
Add relevant plugins to ~/.zshrc
plugins=(git web-search copydir copyfile copybuffer history osx)
Basic Usage
- copy file content in current working directorycopyfile <filename>
- copy content that is currently typed in the terminalCtr + o
- view command historyhs
- search command historyhsi
- search command history (case insensitive)
- open current working directory in finderhidefiles
- hide hidden files in Findershowfiles
- show hidden filed in Finder
iTerm2 is a modern terminal for the Mac. There are a few settings to configure to make it work with Apple shortcuts.
Default Apple shortcuts:
⌥ + ←
- move one work backward (hold⇧
for selection)⌥ + →
- move one word foreward (hold⇧
for selection)⌘ + ←
- move to beginning of line (hold⇧
for selection)⌘ + →
- move to end of line (hold⇧
for selection)
To use these shortcuts in Zsh and iTerm2, you will need to update your ~/.zshrc
configuration file and terminal with relevant keybindings:
Add relevant keybindings to Zsh:
bindkey "[D" backward-word
bindkey "[C" forward-word
bindkey "^[a" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^[e" end-of-line
Add relevant keybindings to iTerm2:
⌥ + ⇧ + ← | Action: Move start of selection left by word
⌥ + ⇧ + → | Action: Move end of selection right by word
⌥ + ⌘ + ← | Action: Move start of selection left by line
⌥ + ⌘ + → | Action: Move end of selection right by line
Setup your global git configuration by adding a configuration file:
touch ~/.gitconfig
Add relevant config and aliases:
name = Luke Miloszewski
email =
user = lukemiloszewski
defaultBranch = main
pager = cat
editor = code --wait
ui = auto
[color "branch"]
upstream = cyan
abbrevCommit = true
follow = true
decorate = false
sort = version:refname
aliases = !git config --get-regexp alias | sed -re 's/alias\\.(\\S*)\\s(.*)$/\\1 = \\2/g'
a = add
cm = commit -m
s = status
p = push
pom = push -u origin main
puom = pull origin main
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b
fp = fetch --prune --all
lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an %ad)%Creset'
reword = commit --amend
uncommit = reset --soft HEAD~1
untrack = rm --cache --
Python, Pyenv, Poetry and Pipx
I use pyenv
to manage multiple Python versions. This makes it easy to switch between versions and manage dependencies without breaking things.
Install Python build dependencies:
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib
Install pyenv:
brew install pyenv
You may receive the following warning (don't worry about it):
... is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local
, because macOS already provides this software and installing another version in parallel can cause all kinds of trouble.
Configure pyenv with Zsh and restart your shell:
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init --path)"' >> ~/.zprofile
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
Basic Usage
pyenv commands # list all commands
pyenv versions # list versions currently installed
pyenv install --list # list versions available to install
pyenv install <version> # install specific version
pyenv uninstall <version> # uninstall specific version
pyenv local <version> # set local python version
pyenv global <version> # set global python version
I use Poetry
for dependency management and packaging.
Install Poetry:
curl -sSL []( | python3 -
Configure Zsh with the following:
export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"
I use pipx
to install python applications in isolated environments, make them available globally and run them from the shell.
Install pipx:
brew install pipx
Node and NVM
I use nvm
to manage multiple node versions. This makes it easy to switch between versions and manage dependencies without breaking things.
Install NVM:
curl -o- []( | bash
Basic Usage
nvm ls # list versions currently installed
nvm ls-remote # list versions available to install
nvm install node # install latest version
nvm install <version> # install specific version
nvm use node # set latest node version
nvm use <version> # set specific node version
nvm alias default <version> # set specific version as default
If you want to use yarn
instead of npm
, you can add the configuration file ~/.nvm/default-packages
and include yarn
in the list of packages to install. Now, whenever a different version of node is installed and used, yarn
will be installed and ready to use by default.
Basic Usage
When installing yarn
through npm
, it will install version 1.xx
as the global version. To use the latest release of yarn
in your project, you can use the following command:
yarn set version berry
yarn --version
This will download the current, actively developed version of yarn
, called berry
, save it to a .yarn/releases/
directory in your project, and set up a .yarnrc.yml
configuration file.
Update your project's .gitignore
SSH Keys
Create an SSH configuration file to help manage connecting to multiple remote servers (so you don't have to worry about different IP addresses, usernames, ports etc.).
mkdir ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/config
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
As new remote servers are used, you can update the configuration file to include those details.
GitHub SSH Key
Once you've setup your SSH configuration file, you can add an SSH key to GitHub for authentication.
Create new SSH key:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Add SSH key to keychain:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Add SSH key to GitHub, following the steps outlined in the docs.
I use Fira Code
as my development font and FiraCode Nerd Font Mono
as my terminal font.
Fira Code
The Fira Code font is battle-tested and has good support for ligatures.
To install:
- download the font bundle from GitHub
- inside the downloaded folder, select all font files in the
folder - right click and select Open
- install into Font Book
To configure in VS Code:
- add the following config to
"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code",
"editor.fontLigatures": true
FiraCode Nerd Font Mono
The FiraCode Nerd Font Mono is monospace and has good support for glyphs, symbols and icons.
To install:
- download the font bundle from Nerd Fonts
- inside the downloaded folder, select all font files with the name
Fira Code <type> Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf
is any of light, medium, regular, bold, retina) - right click and select Open
- install into Font Book
To configure in iTerm2:
- go to iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Text > Font (set as default)
To configure in VS Code:
- add the following config to
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono"
System Settings
- Schedule Night Shift from 8PM to 6AM
Dock and Menu Bar
- Automatically hide and show the Dock
- Automatically hide and show the menu bar on desktop
- Automatically hide and show the menu bar in full screen
- Show battery status in menu bar
- Search in current folder (Finder > Preferences > Advanced)
- Use Fn key as the emoji keyboard shortcut (System Preferences > Keyboard > “Press fn key to… Show Emoji and Symbols”)
- Set scroll direction to Natural
Application Settings
VS Code
Turn on Settings Sync to allow devices to authenticate with GitHub and synchronise settings, keybindings and extensions.
Google Chrome
Good luck! 🚀